TLC welcomes professionals in the performing arts or non-profit industries interested in leading talks or workshops with our cast & crew. If you are interested, email us at with a subject line of "Mentorship." We are grateful for our current community partners and welcome any interest in working with new companies in the future. Reach out to us if you are interested or feel free to check out our current list of partners below.

Past Guest Workshop Speakers

James Leitner

Non-Profit Founder: Mission Clean Water

Hazel Raymundo

Professional Actress (Broadway, Regional/NYC)

Jaquelynne Radcliff

Theater Educator & Choreographer

Duncan Pflaster

Award-winning playwright, actor, and composer 

Community Partnerships

Chatham Playhouse

Performance Space

Chatham Church of Christ

Rehearsal Space

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

Rehearsal/Audition Space

Tuxedo Cupcakes

Local Student-led Bakery: Sold at concessions & other fundraising events